All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration

APPG Inquiry Call for Written Evidence: The Effects of UK Immigration, Asylum and Refugee Policy on Poverty

Call for Written Evidence 

The call for written evidence consists of two questionnaires which seek to explore the ways in which UK immigration policies contribute to poverty amongst migrant communities. 

Completing a questionnaire will take around 15 minutes. The call for written evidence will close on the 25th of October. If you know others who may be willing and able to respond, please feel free to share this with them as we are keen to get as many responses as possible.

Lived experience questionnaire – We ask those with current lived experience of the UK immigration system to complete this questionnaire. Your answers to this questionnaire will be anonymous and completing this questionnaire will in no way impact your current immigration status.

Professional experience questionnaire – We ask those who have professional experience of the UK immigration system or UK poverty to complete this questionnaire. This includes, but is not limited to, professions such as academia, non-for profit, government etc in the asylum, migrant, refugee and poverty sectors.

If you have both professional and lived experience, we encourage you to complete both questionnaires, separating your lived experience from your professional experience.

Going Forward 

Your participation will help give a direct insight into the experience of those who suffer poverty due to being subjected to the UK’s immigration policies. The answers you will provide in this questionnaire will be utilised in the following two ways;

  • Firstly, the answers you give will help inform the inquiry team’s questions at the oral evidence sessions, helping them to ask targeted and specific questions on themes, topics and policies which are raised in your answers to this questionnaire.
  • Secondly, the evidence gathered through this questionnaire will help inform the final policy recommendations this inquiry will publish, with the purpose of proposing changes to UK immigration policies with the purpose of alleviating poverty amongst migrant communities.

We thank you for your participation and please feel free to get in touch at if you have any questions about the inquiry.


APPG Migration