All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration

Upcoming AGM and event: Windrush Lessons Learned Review: One Year On

Wednesday, 24th March 2021
5.30-6.45 pm 

Register for this virtual event on Eventbrite

The APPG will hold an AGM, open to parliamentarians, at 5.15pm. Email to attend.

A year ago, Wendy Williams published the findings of a comprehensive review that she had conducted, at the request of the Home Secretary, into the lessons that the Home Office should learn from the Windrush scandal. This report makes 30 recommendations for change and improvement which can be boiled down to three elements: the Home Office must acknowledge the wrong which has been done; it must open itself up to greater external scrutiny; and it must change its culture to recognise that migration and wider Home Office policy is about people and, whatever its objective, should be rooted in humanity. In September last year the new Home Secretary formally responded to this report and accepted each one of those recommendations in full.

One year on from the publication of her report, Wendy Williams will join the APPG to reflect on her recommendations and reiterate what she believes the priorities should be for the Home Office. Permanent Secretary to the Home Office, Matthew Rycroft, will share his reflections on the journey that the Home Office has been on so far and his own priorities for action. We will then hear from an MP with constituents who have been caught up in the Windrush scandal (Name TBC), and Rt Rev Paul Butler, Lord Bishop of Durham, to consider the wider social impacts of the scandal and Parliament’s role helping to ensure that the recommendations are implemented in full.

There will then be time for contributions and questions from parliamentarians and others present. The event will be chaired by David Simmonds MP and hosted on Zoom, with details to be provided to all registrants in advance of the event.

APPG Migration