All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration

Britain’s Future Immigration Policy: Implications for Decent Work in Low-paid Sectors – Webinar

A recording of the webinar is available here.

In partnership with Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX), the APPG on Migration hosted this webinar on 22 April 2020.

Chaired by Tim Farron MP and Baroness Hamwee


  • Meri Ahlberg, Research Manager, Focus on Labour Exploitation
  • Chris Russell, Policy Advisor, Recruitment and Employment Confederation
  • Gisela Valle, Director, Latin American Women’s Rights Service
  • Sophia Wolpers, Policy Manager – Brexit and Immigration, London First
  • Matthew Taylor, Director of Labour Market Enforcement

With the Second Reading of the Immigration and Social Security Coordination Bill still planned for 21 April and the new immigration system meant to be in place by January 2021, there is an urgent need for public discussion on immigration. Current plans, announced by the Government in February 2020, include no general route for migration into low-paid work. The Coronavirus pandemic has since highlighted how important migrant workers previously classed as ‘low-skilled’ are for the economy and society, as well as the lack of labour protections and social security available to them. Given these developments, this event will discuss the potential impacts of the planned immigration policy and what steps need to be taken to ensure decent work in low-paid sectors.

APPG Migration